If the term nodemon is not recognized after installing it globally on Windows
If You encounter this issue, don't worry I am here to help.
there might be an issue with your system's environment variables. Here's what you can do to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:
Check Your packages:
node -v npm -v
Confirm Your Variable Path:
Navigate your system properties
Jump to Advanced System Settings
Click On "Environment Variables"
After Navigating Advance System Settings, under the User Variables > path
Select the path, now on the Edit button > New
Enter Your package location generally, by default location is :
In case your location path is correct but the system is unable to detect your package then try this :
Now Open Your cmd console, if you already opened then restart your cmd window
Once the env variable is set correctly, it is time to verify
nodemon -v
Hurray You set your path correctly.
Thank You